코스페이시스에서 유용한 3D 무료오픈 소스 사이트와 STL 파일 OBJ로 변환하는 사이트
https://cospaces.io/edu/index.html CoSpaces Edu for kid-friendly 3D creation and coding Boost your kids' learning experience by letting them invent, build and code their own creations. Runs on mobile, tablet and desktop, including Chromebooks. cospaces.io https://www.tinkercad.com/users/itMEfvBw4mA 팅커캐드 | Tinkercad Tinkercad user 팅커캐드. www.tinkercad.com https://www.thingiverse.com/ Thingiverse -..
2022. 8. 13. 02:56